300 Movie Workout

by kyle
(bend, oregon)

300 movie workout

The 300 movie workout is used to describe the workout that transformed the actors and sportsmen in the movie 300 which described how 300 fighting Spartans stood up against a formidable and army that was more than 10 times their number. The movie not only portrays the courage of a Spartan soldiers, but it also provides a character cast that were well built up and toned and left many to envy and ask how this came to be.

This general search for knowledge led to the discovery that the actors and stuntmen in the film had undergone serious training to whip them into shape by one of the most reputable trainers in the fitness industry.

Though the 300 movie workout is generally used to describe a routine that involves 300 repetitions of different exercises, these were not done every day by the actors as part of their training. The actors where taken through different high profile routines and exercises, with each starting from where they were in their fitness and working out from there increasingly to build power, endurance, speed and some quality muscles day by day for about 10 to 12 weeks.

When they were done with these exercises, they where then asked to do the 300 workout as a test of how much they have developed during the training period. The 300 workout serves as a test and the repetitions are counted as well as the time taken to complete the workout set.

What makes up the 300 movie workout?

The 300 movie workout is composed of the following exercises and repetitions;
 25 pull-ups
 50 deadlifts using 135 pounds weight
 50 push-ups
 50 box jumps with a 24-inch box
 50 floor wipers(a core and shoulders exercise at 135 pounds)
 50 clean and press at 36 pounds (a weight-lifting exercise)
 25 pull-ups
This makes a total of 300 repetitions.

Many people are also using this workout to test their level of fitness. If you wish to use the 300 workout as a test of your strength and endurance, you can do it about once a month and record how fast you take to complete the workout. Keeping such records on a monthly basis can be a useful way of judging your progress in weight lifting and endurance training.

However since it is an intensive routine, it is not advised for anybody that has not been training to attempt to complete this routine in a go. It is better to train first and then use the 300 routine later. Moreover, it must be noted that the cast of 300 did more exercise routines than those figuring in the popular 300 workout on a day to day basis, and with different repetitions.

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Jul 05, 2009
by: megan

wow did this and was chucking up!!!!!we did it under 30 minutes

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