3day workout routine by Raimyl Le Couvreur

by raimyl le couvreur

day 1

3 minutes jumping rope
smith machine/dumbbell incline presses/incline dumbbell fly
barbell squat/lounges
barbell row/pull down from the front
standing calf raises
barbell bench press
lying triceps extension
military presses front
barbell curl

day 2

5 minutes twisting
barbell deadlifts
reverse grip barbell row/pull from behind
hack squat/leg curl
seated calf raises
dumbbell bench press/dumbbell fly/cable crossover
triceps pressdown
military press behind
preacher curl

day 3

jumping rope/twisting
barbell bench press/machine fly
leg press/toe presses
leg extensions
t-bar row/one arm row
dumbbell over presses/front raises/side laterals/bent over laterals
one arm tricep extension/one arm cable pull down
lying dumbbell curl/hammer curls/concentration curls

Thanks Raimyl for your excellent workout

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Mar 11, 2010
Ask Doctor Online
by: Ask Doctor Online

Whatta heavy exercise!! Just always remember that extremeous exercise may keep the heart not function well. When we are engage into that,our heart beats faster. If you want to lose some better ask your doctor to that. Just a friendly advice. I hope I didn't offend someone.

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