Cable Crossovers Exercise to Build Chest Muscles
Why are Cable crossovers such an effective exercise Cable crossovers are considered one of the best chest muscle exercise for one reason - Constant Tension throughout the exercise. Consider this. When you do the barbell or dumbbell bench press, there is a momentary loss of tension at some parts of the exercise. As you tend to use some momentum, there is loss of tension. And as time under tension is the key to building muscle mass, your effort is less rewarded than it would be otherwise if operated under constant tension. Enter Cable Crossovers exercise. You can do them many ways: Standing Cable Crossovers, Bent Forward or even Flat Bench Cable Crossovers Exercises to Build huge Pectorals. Remember Cable provides constant tension helping build massive pecs.
Cable provides constant resistance and helps develop central chest muscles and providing the much needed striations and inner pecs bodybuilders crave for.
Little Confusion: To cross over or Not There are conflicting suggestions when it comes to crossing your arms over to the other side. But if you ask me then you CAN crossover. I say this because there are exercises called Internal rotations used by Rotator cuff experts in shoulder rehab and are safe. Even more, they are important as the shoulder joint functions to rotate the arm internally as it does externally. Bottom Line - You can crossover the arms at the low position and get a complete chest muscle contraction.
This exercise is done with two floor level pulleys and arms are brought in from below-upwards and crossing in the middle.
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