Calories Burned During Exercise - Chart and List
How many calories are burned during different exercises?
If you are looking to get into shape and you want to make sure that you are being as efficient as possible, you might be interested in knowing just how many calories you are burning.
The thing about exercise and calorie burning is that the amount you burn per hour is going to depend on the type of exercise that you are doing and at what level of intensity you are doing it.
For example, someone running at a mild speed will not burn as many calories as someone running at the fastest speed they possibly can. Believe it or not, your weight also has a lot to do with the amount of calories that you will burn off.
Inside This Article
-Introduction to Calories Burned During Exercise
-Calories Burned by Weight -
--Click here if you are 155 lbs
--Click here if You are 190 lbs.
-Tips To Burn More Calories
Introduction to Calories Burned During Exercise RecommendsTurbulence Training - Quick Fat Burning Workouts

Time efficient Research Proven Workouts that boost Muscle Growth and Blowtorch Body Fat.
By Weight
For someone who roughly weighs 155 pounds - here are the estimates for the amount of calories you will burn in One Hour:
Aerobics (low impact) - 352
Aerobics (high impact) - 493
Bicycling (mountain bike) - 598
Bicycling (stationary, moderate) - 493
Bicycling (stationary, vigorous) - 739
Gymnastics (general) - 281
Rowing (stationary, moderate) - 493
Rowing (stationary, vigorous) - 598
Running (10mph) - 1126
Running (5mph) - 563
Running (in place) - 563
Swimming (laps, freestyle) - 563
Swimming (breaststroke) - 704
Swimming (backstroke) - 563
Walking (slow) - 176
Walking (uphill) - 422
Walking (brisk pace) - 281
Water Aerobics - 281
Weight Lifting (moderate) - 211
Weight Lifting (vigorous) - 422
Someone who is more towards the 190 weight, here are the calories that you might expect to burn off in an hour:
Aerobics (low impact) - 431
Aerobics (high impact) - 604
Bicycling (mountain bike) - 733
Bicycling (stationary, moderate) - 604
Bicycling (stationary, vigorous) - 906
Gymnastics (general) - 345
Rowing (stationary, moderate) - 604
Rowing (stationary, vigorous) - 733
Running (10mph) - 1380
Running (5mph) - 690
Running (in place) - 690
Swimming (laps, freestyle) - 690
Swimming (breaststroke) - 863
Swimming (backstroke) - 690
Walking (slow) - 216
Walking (uphill) - 518
Walking (brisk pace) - 345
Water Aerobics - 345
Weight Lifting (moderate) - 259
Weight Lifting (vigorous) - 518
As you can see, there are a lot of calories that you can burn if you simply do the right exercise. Maybe, instead of doing water aerobics for an hour you would do some swimming and burn more calories. Either way, you are in the water.
Tips To Burn More Calories
If you put on more muscle mass, you will burn more calories. As you have already seen, the more you weigh - the more calories you burn.
The weight is not really all about fat, but it is about muscle as well. If you simply put on one extra pound of pure muscle, you will burn an extra fifty calories a day.
Put on an extra four pounds of sheer muscle and you are looking at burning an extra 200 calories a day. You can see just how quickly this can all add up.
You also want to make sure that you keep moving throughout your day. On average, the regular person burns about 30% of their calories through their every day activities.
Someone who sits all day long is only going to naturally burn off 15%. Here are some ways to keep your body moving:
Tap one of both of your feet while you are sitting
Drum some fingers on the desk or counter
Stand and stretch every so often
Change seated positions
Pace around
Clench your muscles then release them
Stand while you are talking on the phone
As you can see, even the simplest of movements can help you burn more calories throughout the day. Every bit helps.
Another thing you might want to try is to eat more spicy foods.
There is a study out there that suggests that a person can increase their metabolic rate up to an amazing 50% for about 3 hours after the consumption of a spicy meal.
Green tea and caffeine is also said to help with this as well.
It is also wise to eat less per meal and to have more meals per day. This will keep your metabolism going much faster because the thyroid levels will not drop.
In just a few hours after you eat, your thyroid levels drop and you will not burn off as many calories. Keep eating smaller meals more often and that level will never have to drop.
Once you understand how you burn calories and what you can do to increase the amount you burn, you will feel much more in control.
You will be able to burn more calories and in turn, lose more weight, which is a great benefit. Learn as much as you can about calorie burning and you will find that your weight loss success will come much easier and quicker than you would have ever imagined. RecommendsTurbulence Training - Quick Fat Burning Workouts

Time efficient Research Proven Workouts that boost Muscle Growth and Blowtorch Body Fat.
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How many calories are burned in the Following Activities
* Walking
This will depend on pace, distance, and duration. Most people will walk at 3mph which will yield a total amount of calories burned in the range of 225 per hour.
* When riding a stationary bike
A stationary bike can prove to be an excellent exercise device to help you lose weight. Best of all, you can do so indoors and avoid dealing with weather hazards. At a moderate speed, you might burn 200 to 300 calories in a half an hour. At a rapid pace, you might able to burn 400+ calories in 30 minutes.
The answer to this will depend on your pace distance and duration. Most people will walk at a pace of 3mph which burns 225 calories in 60 minutes. At a pace of 2mph you will burn 170 calories. At 4.5mph you would burn 430 calories.
*On a stationary bike?
Those that ride on a stationary bike at a moderate pace for one hour will burn upwards of 400 calories. Anyone that decides to perform a fast pace on the bike might burn 500+ calories in an hour.
*Hula hooping
Hula hooping can be considered one of the more unique exercises in which you can employ to burn off a ton of calories. Those able to perform a hula hoop workout for 30 minutes straight might burn upwards of 200 calories.
• Qi gong
Although the practice of Qi gong is a slow paced holistic one, like any physical activity, it can burn off a lot of calories. One hour of such a workout could burn 230+ calories for a lightweight person and upwards of 350 for someone that is rather heavy.
Running is, without a doubt, one of the all-time best exercises to employ to lose weight. A 170lb person that runs 6mph for 20 minutes will burn an astounding 254 calories which is more than one hour of walking.
Believe it or not, you can burn about 260 calories per hour for the average paint job in a room. In hot weather and with complex jobs, you may burn even more.
*Playing soccer
Soccer is most definitely a sport that can yield a tremendous amount of calories burned. A non-competitive game can burn 500 or more calories in one hour. A competitive game can burn in the neighbourhood of 750 calories per hour.
*Per minute
To determine how many calories the human body burns per minute will be based on the type of activity performed, its pace, its duration, the age of the person performing it, and the person's weight. So, there is no generic blanket answer that can be provided.
*Riding a stationary bike 30 minutes
Stationary bikes are often lauded as a tremendous vehicle (pardon the pun) for burning up calories. A moderate pace on a stationary bike could burn 250 - 280 calories in a half an hour.
*During spin class
A spin class can burn a massive amount of calories. 400 - 500 in a half an hour and upwards of 800+ in a full hour session.
*Walking 2 miles
Walking for this distance would probably burn 150 - 175 calories if done at a moderate pace.
*When stair climbing
And hour of stair climbing at a moderate pace will burn about 600 or so calories.
*Doing stairs?
"Doing" is based on the pace you set. A low intensity session of stair climbing can burn 450 calories in an hour and a high intensity session may burn upwards of 700.
* By wheeling yourself in a wheelchair about 3 yards?
3 yards is 9 feet and it is doubtful you would burn more than 2 calories doing this.
*For kissing for one minute
Those looking to lose weight by kissing will be very disappointed. It does not burn all that many calories. Yet, the more you weight, the most calories you burn. Someone who is 150lbs may burn 1.3 calories and someone that is 250 may burn around 4.
*In inline skating for 180 lbs
Someone at a weight of 180lbs would burn about 430 calories in one hour of inline skating.
*Jumping rope
Jumping rope at a moderate pace would burn about 700 calories in an hour. Of course, most people will only jump for 20 minutes which would lead to 250 or so calories burned.
*On a trampoline
An hour or so of working out on a trampoline could burn about 280 calories.
Running remains a fantastic way to burn off a lot of calories in a short period of time. An average sized person running at 6mph for 20 minutes can burn 200 - 300 calories. This is more than some exercises deliver in an hour.
• Walking one mile
Walking for one mile will burn about 90 calories relatively easily.
* While walking on treadmill
A half hour of walking on a level treadmill that does not incorporate any advanced features will lead you to burning upwards of 250 calories. It could possibly be more depending upon your current weight and age.
*Squat jumps 10 sets 10 reps
This is a rather lengthy leg workout and would require quite a bit of strength and endurance. If it takes a half an hour, you can expect the calorie burning count to be in the 200 range.
*Bicycling 8 miles in an hour?
8 miles per hour is a rather slow speed and would constitute a light bike riding workout. It would probably burn in the range of 300 calories per hour which is low for bike riding.
*On recumbient bike
Most will agree that one hour on a recumbient bike will burn about 500 calories per hour.
*Running 1 mile
An average sized person will burn 115 calories running one mile.
* Using the Master Moves System
This is a unique core training workout program that can deliver a decent amount of calories burned in a one hour session. A light session could yield about 245 calories burned in one hour.
*While just jumping
Jumping for an hour straight could burn off about 400 calories.
* Biking
Biking is a tremendous way to burn off a ton of calories. At a moderate pace, bike riding could burn up about 300 calories in an hour. Those that crank things up a few notches could burn about 450 to 500.
• Doing Kempo p90x
The average amount of calories burned would be 600 per workout. All workouts are clearly detailed on the Kempo p90x DVDs.
* Does temperature your heart rate and calories burned
Higher body temperatures and heart rates will yield more calories burned. However, overdoing it in this regard could lead to adverse health reactions.
* In in line skating
In Line skating is not just a lot of fun. It is a great way to burn off a lot of calories. Those that weight about 170lbs and skates for 12 mph for one hour straight will burn off 760 calories. Those that employ a very light pace of 8mph will burn 400 calories in an hour.
*On air stepper?
The novel workout device of an Air Stepper can burn off in the neighborhood of 290 to 400+ calories per hour depending upon your weight.
*Walking 8 miles
At a moderate pace of 3 miles per hour and at an average weight, you will burn 700+ cal-ories based on this activity and distance.
* How many calories need to be burned to loose 1 pound?
In order to burn off one full pound, you will need to burn up 3600 calories.
*Calculate how many calories burned?
The best way to calculate the number of calories you burn is to find a calorie calculator for a specific activity and type in your vital stats: weight, duration, and intensity level.
* How are exercise calories burned determined?
The calories burned will be determined by you age, the duration of the exercise, the pace of the exercise, your weight, and the specific type of exercise you perform.
* By a body at rest
This answer is next to impossible to generalize because so many factors go into it. Age, weight, physical condition, diet and other issues come into play here. Some may burn 50 calories at rest and others may burn 100. Generally, the faster your metabolism is, the more calories you will burn while at rest.
*By jogging .5 miles
Jogging a half a mile can be completed in a mere 6 minutes. At the end of the .5 mile point, you will notice you have burned 70 calories which really is not a bad amount to burn off in such a short period of time.
*Doing a back handspring
You could lump the back handspring into the category of gymnastics which means a full gymnastic workout can burn 280 calories per hour. One single back handspring would probably not burn even one calorie.
*Doing aerobics
Aerobics are popular weight loss activities for a reason. They can burn off a lot of calories. Low impact aerobics can burn about 350 calories per hour. High impact aerobics can burn in the neighborhood of 450 - 600. Step aerobics have the potential to burn 600 - 750 per hour.
*During a Zumba class
A full hour of a Zumba class would burn about 500 calories to about 800 calories. Additionally, the class is a lot of fun to take part in.
*In a fast walk
Walking at a very fast pace (4mph - 5mph) will burn roughly 400 - 475 calories in a one hour timeframe. This number will increase if you walk uphill or are carrying heavy weight.
In jumping jacks
Jumping Jacks can be considered the quintessential calisthenics to take part in. However, they are not all that great for burning calories. Generally, they will burn 75 to 100 calories in an hour.
* In Zumba
A Zumba class can burn anywhere from 500 calories to about 800 calories depending upon the intensity level you put into class.
* On recumbent bike
Those that wish to enhance their calorie burning should look towards a recumbent bike. Those that workout at a fast pace on this type of bike can burn about 1,000 calories.
*On treadmill
Walking on a treadmill will burn 200 - 300 calories per hour. Those that jog could burn as much as 500 calories for the same duration. Since treadmills can make workouts more challenging, you might even burn far more than that.
*Playing basketball
Yes, basketball can be a great way to burn off a ton of calories. A Non-competitive game could burn 370 calories and a true competitive game could burn 475 - 550 calories.
*Riding a bicycle
Riding a bike at a light pace can burn around 280 calories an hour. Those that ride at a racing pace could literally top the 900 calorie range.
*Riding a bike
Those that take part in a light pace will burn around 300 calories an hour. At a moderate pace, you will burn about 500 calories an hour. Racing could burn about 1,100 calories in an hour.
*Riding a stationery bike
Riding a stationary bike at a moderate pace for a half an hour could burn 200 - 250 calories. Those in great shape that can handle riding the bike for 45 minutes or an hour will discover the amount of calories they burn to be quite amazing.
The answer depends upon the type of stroke you select. Swimming laps slow would burn about 490 calories. A high intensity stroke such as a butterfly could burn 800 calories in an hour.
*Using a Stairstep Machine
An hour of working out on the Stairstep Machine will burn about 470 calories.
*Using Master Moves
A one hour workout with Master Moves is known to burn about 600 calories.
*Walking in water?
The added resistance of water leads to burning extra calories. A half hour of during this could burn about 250 calories which is more than what you would burn walking on land for one hour.
*When running 3 1/2 mile
389 calories would be the average amount of calories burned at this distance and at a moderate pace.
*While riding a bicycle for 30 minutes
Riding a bike for a moderate pace for 30 minutes will burn off about 250 to 300 calories in a half hour period.
*Cleaning out the closet
Yes, you can lose weight tidying up the home. One hour of housecleaning can burn about 170 calories. So, how many calories you burn will depend upon how long it takes you to clean the closet.
*During hiking
Hiking cross country will burn about 422 calories per hour.
*For 20 minutes of fast exercise
At a bare minimum, 20 minutes of fast exercise will burn about 200 calories. You might burn a little less but it is also possible to burn a little more. The type of exercise you are performing will play a major role in the total amount of calories burned.
*In a 3 minute mile
You really do have to be in great shape already to do this and those that are already in the proper condition may actually burn 200+ calories running a three minute mile. To do so you will need to run at a stunningly fast rate of speed.
*In Zumba
A Zumba class has the potential to burn anywhere from 500 to 800 calories per hour.
*Lifting weights
Depending upon your intensity level, you will burn 259 - 520 calories per hour lifting weights.
*Per mile of biking
Anywhere from 26 to 31 miles per hour with a light or moderate pace.
*Per minute on Healthrider
You would probably burn 5 to 6 calories per minute with this device. The result depends upon your current weight.
Yes, you can burn weight by shopping. One hour of shopping may yield about 184 calories depending upon your current weight.
*Using a Total Gym?
The Total Gym has proven to be a very popular device and for good reason. It is great for burning calories. You could burn upwards of 210 calories in a one hour session.
*Walking 100 stairs
Walking on stairs certainly can add to the intensity level of your exercise sessions. This means it will contribute to burning off a lot of excess calories. Walking 100 stairs is a relatively small duration however and would probably burn in the range of 20 calories.
*Walking 3 miles
For a person of moderate weight, the amount of calories burned will be in the neighborhood of 220 to 250 calories.
*Walking at a moderate pace
A moderate pace can be considered roughly 3mph to 3.5mph. This would burn anywhere from 220 to 275 calories in a one hour timeframe.
*Walking for an hour on treadmill
Those that walk on a treadmill for one hour and do so without adding any advanced features to the exercise session will burn roughly 275 to 300 calories in the one hour period.
*While biking
The answer to this will depend upon how fast you are actually biking. Slow biking paces can burn about 250 calories an hour and very fast paces can burn 800 or more.
*While walking on treadmill
A standard 20 minute walk on a treadmill will burn anywhere from 150 calories to 200 calories. Your weight and pace will have a lot to do with the actual amount of calories burned during the session.
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