Chest Workout dumbbell chest presses

by josh

Doing dumbbell chest presses is the best way to get a big chest.

How to do Dumbbell Chest Press Exercise

Dumbbells are one of the best exercise equipment that you can employ in any weightlifting or fitness program. This is because they allow for a larger range of motion which makes exercises go deeper and more effective. Moreover it they are easier to store, swap and you are less likely to get injured by using them.

The dumbbell chest press exercise is an exercise that is targeted to building the pectoral muscles of the chest or mostly the upper chest. Though this is the main target of the exercise, the biceps and other arm muscles are also affected in the process and the muscles of the shoulders also get a good workout from this exercise.

The dumbbell chest press can be done either from lying down on the ground in which case the downward motion ends when your elbows touch the floor, or for a better workout it can be performed from an exercise bench in which case your elbows can be allowed to go as far back as possible making the exercises more efficient.

Instructions on performing the dumbbell chest press

• If you are starting from the floor you may want to have the dumbbells on both sides of you, sit down on the floor, then picking up the dumbbells lie down flat on your back and then slightly bend your knees for support. On a flat bench, sit down on the edge of the bench and holding the dumbbells with the pals facing forward and lie flat with your legs dropping to the floor and bending from the knees.

• Then starting with the elbows from the ground push the dumbbells upwards while bringing them together in a slight arc so they touch in the highest point over your chest, and then bring them back downwards and outwards to come back to the starting position.

• With the bench, you can bring back your elbows as low as possible before doing another repetition.
Apart from the variants discussed above, another form of the dumbbell chest press is the inclined dumbbell press that uses an inclined bench instead of a floor or a flat bench. This changes the dynamics of the exercise and works different smaller muscle groups.

The best way to add variety to your exercise session and to make sure that you have a total chest work out is not to stick with any one of the exercises but to constantly learn the different forms of the exercises and rotate them in your training sessions.

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