Cincinnati Weight Loss Help for Graduation Day
by Tanisha
Well my name is Tanisha, and I'm a senior PRP High School and I'm trying to
lose weight before I turn 18 in April and more pounds for graduation which is
in June.
I've been on a diet but kind of stopped because I've almost Ran out of dieting
foods, BUT it will not happen again because I'm over eating, get it, ha but
seriously I don't even want to look at food right now, I'm not going to think
about it.
And it's not like I have an Eating problem, it's just that I like good foods and
good foods come with a price and weight gain which I'm not having anymore.
Soooo Please welcome me to your program because I'm very anxious to get out of
what I USED to call a body.
Hi Tanisha,
You can use anyone of the various
weight loss
programs I review.
You can use the
Burn The Fat Program or
Turbulence Training
Please check them out and follow anyone to the best of your ability.