Classy goes Sassy - My Weight Loss Story

by Scarllett
(Chico, CA)

I was around 150 pounds when I was 12. Now I am 15 and a happy 114 pounds. I was very upset by my weight so i took action!

I started taking kickboxing and doing yoga I played Tennis and Soccer. I was running in the mornings when i could. Soon the fat melted away.

The best part was i didn't have to make dramatic changes in my diet.

I stopped drinking soda and ate 6 times a day(Small meals) Never did i have a regular meal i ate an orange then 3 hours later i ate a granola bar... and so on and so forth.

I'm still doing my work outs to get awesome 4 pack and strong bicep triceps combo!

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Feb 17, 2010
Lose weight in a week

Immediately start eating 10% less than you usually do. Drink twice as much water your normally do each day. If you drink 1 liter a day, now drink 2 liters a day. Eat more fruits and try to cut out oily food as much as possible. You will see immediate results with these minor lifestyle adjustments.

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