Crunch Biter for sexy abs
by Angeline L.C. Cruz
Great Effort Comes Great Results of a New YOU!
Sit ups and Manual Abs a problem for you?
Well The Crunch Biter should do the Trick.
Step one To the process is Stretching till you have smoothen all parts of your body.
After Find a clear area to lay yourself on a surface.
And just make yourself comfortable doing so. Bring a gallon of water by you for those in between breaks. Breaks should last only for about 30sec to a minute. Its time to make that time for yourself and get those amazing flat fit fantastic Abs you always wanted.
First Step is Leg Lifts (Do about 3 sets Total. Up to 10 to 15 reps)Don't give up if you feel the burn. Its suppose to feel that way. Because you are burning all that Fat as you continue to do it.
Like i tell alot of my fellow peers and friends. If you want it, You Go for it. No Questions asked or nothing should or even BE in your way. Its your body! Of course if you feel dizzy or any sort. Just drink water or stand up and stretch. Try to take only a minute.
After do the Reach Up (Do about 3sets Total and Up to 15 to 20 reps) This should look like your bending to your toes but this time your laying Flat on your back. Oblique Relax (Do about 4 sets Total. Up to 10reps) Next is the Human Bicycle (Do about 5sets total. Up to 10 to 15reps) Yes i know its seems intense. No really likes this one. But your almost there. Hate This all you want but works. Like i said before....If you dont feel the burn after the first ten theres a problem, You should feel it by then.
Lastly is the 3 sets total knee Curls towards your chest. But you should remember your still on your back, And to picture yourself your leg is up but bent and all your doing is pulling it in close to you. Its 3 sets but a total of 25-30 reps. Once you Finished....Relax, And drink up. Then start again for a simmer of Great burn! This works for me. Hope you enjoy!