Double Chin Exercises - Exercises to lose double chin

Got a Double Chin? Use these Simple Exercises to Lose Double Chin. Double Chin Exercises to get rid of double chin.
Inside This Article
-What is the Cause of your double Chin?
-Double Chin Exercises
Obesity has now been proclaimed as one of the foremost diseases of the world. This disease has impacted the young and old alike.
Obesity manifests itself in different ways in the body. The person starts developing a paunch and gains weight on the hips, thighs and buttocks.
The fat starts depositing on the face as well, starting with the chin region. As a result, this leads to the formation of a double chin.
Besides the above mentioned cause, here are a few more causes of double chin:
1. Genetics: Even though they are not obese, many people still may have a double chin. This may be due to genetics and this problem may run in the family.
2. Water retention: Water retention is also one of the most well known causes of double chin. The puffy skin may lead to the formation of double chin.
3. Posture: A straight posture helps you to look slimmer and smart. On the other hand, a slouching posture makes you look fatter than you normally are and also lead to the formation of a double chin.
4. Sleeping: Sleeping may also be the cause of the double chin.
How to Lose Double Chin
There are a number of ways to get lose double chin.
These include exercises and some lifestyle changes.
Exercises are one of the most effective ways to reduce double chin. These exercises are simple, hardly take any time and don't require any special equipment.
The only thing that works in these exercises is consistency. So, you need to do these exercises daily in order to get the effect that you want. Once you start, you will be able to see the effect in merely three to four weeks.
Water also plays an important role in reducing the fat on the double chin and other parts of the body.
Cardiovascular exercises tend to pump up the Basal Metabolic Rate or (BMR) which enhances the blood circulation in the entire body. This blood helps in collecting the accumulated toxins which then need to be flushed out of the body by water.
Hence, it's important to drink a lot of water to flush out these toxins from the body. Walking briskly or jogging also helps in the reduction of double chin and fat from all parts of the body.
Here are some double chin exercises which can help you to lose your double chin:
This exercise focuses on stretching the lower jaw. Let your mouth open as wide as possible. The lower jaw needs to be pushed in a straight line and then up.
This needs to be in such a way that your upper lip gets covered by the teeth in the lower jaw.
This exercise needs to be performed at least fifteen times each. Do this exercise thrice daily.
However, remember to keep your jaw muscles relaxed so that they are under no strain. After each rep, make sure that you use the back of your fingers to slap yourself under your jaw. The slap should not be very hard but it should not be very slow either.
Another exercise which can help you to reduce or even eliminate the double chin completely is done by sitting straight on a chair.
You can either keep your hands by your side or even hold the sides of the chair (the chair should be preferably the one with no arms). With your mouth closed, push your chin forward while you slowly tilt your head in an upward direction. In this position, try opening your mouth as much as you can.
Many exercise gurus advocate chewing gum since the constant chewing helps in working out the muscles of the face and the chin. This helps in fat reduction and toning up the chin. If you don't like chewing gum, you can act as if you are chewing something in your mouth with your chin raised up. You will be able to feel the pull in your neck and jaw muscles.
This exercise is more on isometric lines. Place your palm on your forehead and apply as much pressure as possible. Let the muscles of your neck and head help in resisting the entire pressure.
If you do this exercise correctly, you will be able to feel the strain in the neck and chin muscles. Repeat and let your palm be placed on the back of your head. You can even do this exercise sideways by cupping your hand on each ear.
The platysma muscles play a great role in the formation of double chin. These muscles need to be exercised in order to prevent and reduce double chin. Let your mouth open as much as possible. Cover your lower teeth with the lower lip.
Imagine you are digging or scooping something with your jaw as the shovel. Repeat this exercise for a count of ten and do it at least thrice a day.
These are some of the exercises which can be done anywhere and at any time. All you need to do is practice them regularly so that you can do them wherever you are.
Once you are finished with the exercises, then you can simply massage the chin and the jaw so that the muscles in these areas relax. These exercises, if done consistently can help in toning up your face and even define your chin.
Losing a double chin can be a long process. Hence, while you work with these exercises, you can toy with the idea of getting a new hairstyle which helps you to look fit on the face.
Most people like layered cuts or inverted bob to disguise the double chin problem which helps them to look smart and thin! Recommends - Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
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