easy on the knees exercises - Low Impact Knee & Ankle Exercises

by Gio
(chicago il )

Hi. Ok I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post a question on here but I'm hoping some1 could please help me... In may of 2004 I was shot on duty while working in a CHA housing complex. Unfortunately my ankle was hit by a ricochet bullet and pierced my ankle shattering the bone to fragments and was forced to undergo an ankle fusion where I lost the mobility or motion of my ankle... and I was told that I would never be able to run,jump,jog or otherwise. Now I've gained some weight not much but enough and I don't know what to do, how can I loose the weight if I can't run jog or any other high intensity workout routine. I'm afraid my doctor told me that with the added weight I'm putting on my fused ankle and the strain I'm adding to it I might injure myself more. Please if some1 knows of anything I can do E-MAIL ME @ martinezg869@gmail.com thanks for taking the time to read this and reply if u have a solution...

Hi Gio,

Thanks for contacting ExerciseGoals.com

I have got the perfect
exercise for you. Its easy on knees and extensively used now as part of
rehabilitation as it offers least resistance.

Its called Swimming. Its
amazingly low resistant and at the same time very effective to lose weight and
build aerobic stamina.

I have covered more in the water and swimming
exercises section. Please do read about it.

Water Exercises

Exercises for Weight Loss

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