Fitness Testing - Fitness Tests - Exercise & Physical Fitness Testing
Why Fitness Testing is crucial for Performance Fitness Testing should be your first step towards your Exercise Goals. Get Exercise Testing and evaluate your fitness status today and get started on your fitness journey. These Self-assessment will help you get a clear picture of your current fitness levels and also set a benchmark against which you will evaluate your fitness gains weeks from today. Since you will be always searching for motivation, your testing results will provide with amazing motivation. Remember nothing succeeds like success and your consistent gains will keep you motivated and give you a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. You will need to test 4 important areas of fitness.
Apart from General Fitness tests, all other specific fitness tests should be preceded by an easy warm up of at least 3-5 minutes and followed up by 3-5 minutes cool down period.
Resting Heart Rate - Normal is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
Resting Respiratory Rate - Normal is between 16 and 18 breaths per minute.
Body Fat Percentage
Body Mass Index
Here you will use a simple walk-the-mile test. Simply walk for a mile at your best intensity and note it down. Alternatively you can use the one-minute-run test.More Information on Aerobic Testing here.
You can use Push Ups or pull-ups for upper body strength testing and Free Squats for Lower Body Testing.More information on Strength or Muscular Fitness Testing here.
The Sit and Reach test
Also Read -Contraindications for Exercise Testing and One Rep Maximum Testing. ExerciseGoals.com Recommends - Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle The best way to get hold of your Body Composition and get a fitter and trimmer body is Burn The Fat Program By Tom Venuto.
Disclaimer - Advice given at ExerciseGoals.com is NOT a substitute for a physicians check up. Please get a medical clearance before beginning or making changes to an exercise program. ExerciseGoals.com is in no way responsible for your health.