High School Weight Lifting Tips - From Training to Competition

High School Weight Lifting Tips
Some parents worry about their high school students lifting weights, but then again what do parents not worry about, right?
It is certainly safe for high school students to engage in weight lifting provided they have guidance by a coach, teacher, trainer, or some other professional with a lot of knowledge about a growing teenager's body.
The following tips are designed to help parents and teenagers get into weight lifting safely.
Don't Train Alone

A teenager should never lift weights on their own, even after they have been doing it for awhile. They should always have a spotter to make sure they are safe and there should be a coach or professional trainer on hand to make sure they are using proper form to prevent injury in every move.
Trainers and coaches can also help guide an ambitious teenager so they don't push too hard and end up with overuse injuries. This is especially important for teenagers that want to compete in body building. An overuse injury takes away valuable training time and sets the athlete back when they should be training to get ahead.
Know the Body
Teenaged body builders should educate themselves on their body. They should know exactly where all of their muscles are so they understand what muscles they are working with different weight movements. This will help them understand the training program they are on and help them determine the best order for different movements.
Also, a teenager should take it slow until they learn how their own body responds to weightlifting. They should know when to back off so they don't injure themselves and when to pick up the pace so their workouts are more effective.
Coaches and trainers can help a teenager with these things, but the bodybuilders who are in touch with their bodies will always be more effective than those who are just going through the motions.
Food Matters

Eating meals frequently throughout the day is always going to be better for a teenager lifting weights than just two or three large meals over the course of the day. If the meals can be eaten at about the same time every day and timed around their workouts that would be even better. That just isn't always possible with the busy schedule of an active high school student.
Teenagers tend to gravitate toward pizza and French fries, but those interested in competing in weight lifting should become more conscious of the foods they put into their body.
Serious weight training requires healthy, nutrient dense foods because those foods will give them the energy they need to get through workouts. These foods will also help the muscles rebuild after workouts.
Some teenagers will take supplements, but this should be cleared with a doctor first. Natural and healthy supplements should be used only to help teenagers get the nutrition they need for safe weightlifting.
Notes on Competing
All of the tips listed here become even more important for high school students who want to compete. Training should be taken very seriously and guided by a coach or trainer with a lot of knowledge in the competition field. This is important because teenagers can get too ambitious and end up hurting themselves when training for a competition.
If you want to know more about high school weight lifting, check out sites like Teen Muscle Building Tips. Reading bodybuilding magazines and connecting with trainers and coaches at school or in the local community can also lead to more knowledge about this subject.
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