How to Lower ldl {Bad Cholesterol} Cholesterol Levels Naturally

The Best way to lower high cholesterol naturally is by diet and exercise. That is a bold statement. I will show youHow to lower LDL Cholesterol {Bad Cholesterol} Levels Naturally with Exercise and Foods.

LDL Cholesterol Levels and Heart Disease

LDL cholesterol is what is popularly known as "bad cholesterol" and is chiefly associated with cardiovascular disease.

They usually cause heart disease when their levels are high in the blood, and also when they are oxidized in the blood vessels by free radicals and so build up a mass that restricts the flow of blood in body, giving rise to strokes and heart failure.

Knowing the part this molecule plays in heart disease, and learning how to lower LDL cholesterol in the body is one of the ways to keep a healthy heart.

My Top 5 LDL cholesterol lowering tips

1. Eating well to Lose Excess Weight {Around waist}

Dieting and weight loss are the principal means of lowering the LDL levels of your blood.

When you eat the right kinds of foods, you provide your body with the right kinds of nutrients, avoiding foods that increase LDL cholesterol levels such foods with a high degree of saturated fats as is common in most fast foods.

2. Proven Dietary Supplements can be vital

Dietary supplements like garlic, and flax seed concentrates have been known to have a reducing effect on cholesterol levels of the body.

3. Include Sea foods for Healthier lipid profile

Eating more fish, vegetables and fruits have been shown to reduce the bad cholesterol levels.

Engaging in regular exercise has been shown to have a lowering effect on LDL levels of the body.

4. Begin a Personalized Exercise Program

Getting involved in physical training and regular exercise has been shown to have a reducing effect on the level of LDL cholesterol in the body.

5. Smoking kills...Slowly. Stop it!

Reducing or stopping to smoke (for smokers) can also reduce the levels of ‘bad cholesterol’ in the body and has been shown to lower the LDL cholesterol levels of the body by up to 10%.

6. Good Enemy or Bad Part-time friend?

Moderate consumption of alcohol has been shown to be beneficial in the reduction of LDL cholesterol levels in the body. About a glass of wine a day has been shown to be very beneficial to this effect.

But remember most people cannot adhere to this guideline so my recommendation is STOP ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION COMPLETELY. You can thank me later when you get peak health.

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