How To Use Leg Press Machine as a Shoulder Press
by Abraham
Using a Leg Press Machine to do Shoulder Press Exercise can be a big advantage. Learn how to do Shoulder Presses with Leg Press Machine.
Leg and Shoulder Weight training has been shown to have several beneficial effects on the health and the psychology. Not only will you feel better, you will also feel stronger, your bones will develop stronger and your muscles will support you and also help you burn calories for a healthier lifestyle.
In order to train and develop the muscles, there are many machines that can be employed and there are machines for every muscle set.
However with a bit of insight and creativity, you won’t need to buy every machine, some machines can be adapted to perform different functions.
One of the best that can be adapted easily is the horizontal leg press machine that can be used as a shoulder press. In so doing you get to train the upper muscle groups also using the same machine that is built to work for the lower muscle groups.
The procedure is simple; remove the weight that is currently in use so as to free the machines, and then adjust the machine to a comfortable length for you.
Then starting with a small weight on the machine, go under the leg press machine and have your sitting in the reverse position; putting your buttocks against the seat and lying on where your buttocks should be normally for the leg press, extend your hands to take hold on the plates your feet normally press and then do your repetitions, gradually increasing the weight to a more challenging level or as you desire.
This will permit you to save cost on another machine and also give you an all round training.