Hyperextensions and Reverse Hyperextensions Exercise for back
Why are Hyperextensions such an effective low back exercise? Want to build a strong Lower back? Hyperextensions exercise directly hits the erector spinae muscles building a strong back. Reverse Hyperextensions was popularized by powerlifting coach Louie Simmons and it considered one of the best exercises {after deadlifts} for lower back and hip muscle strength training. Purpose - To Build the lower back Spinal erector muscles.
Execution This exercise is done on an hyperextensions Bench/Roman Chair. Steps
- Lie facedown on an Hyperextensions bench and hook your legs under support. Let your body be parallel to the ground.
- Clasp your hands on your chest [ or behind your neck ] and bend down through your waist until you reach a 90 degree bend.
- Return to the start position but avoid extending beyond the body level.
Points to Remember - Exhale while you exert. Its very important to contract the muscles under tension, in this case lower back erectors and hamstrings.
- Avoid hyperextension beyond the body level.
- Keep movement always under control without letting gravity taking you down faster.
Making Hyperextensions difficult.
You can also hold a plate to your chest or behind the head for additional resistance if the exercise becomes easy and you can do a lot of reps. Related Back Articles
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