Love My SpinGym! for thinner arms - lose the flab

by Judy C
(Brooklyn, NY)

Have you tried this little device - its portable so I take it everywhere and it really works.

For the first time in my life the flab on the back of my arms is going away, they looked toned and its so much more fun going sleeveless. i didn't know if it would really work - but it does! I tell all my friends and I think it give it as holiday gifts.

The official website where I got mine just 4 months ago is
Relatively inexpensive and more fun than dumbells. Plus I like the dvd workouts, I do the cardio a couple of times a week and its easy to follow.

Gets my vote and I wanted to pass along the info.

Judy C.

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Jan 02, 2011
Really Works
by: Anonymous

It may be hard to believe given the size of the SpinGym and I don't know how it works exactly. Just that it does and I love it. Here's a video to help explain better than I can.

Sep 02, 2010
Spin Gym
by: Anonymous

If anybody gets any benefit from this product, it tells more about your own lifestyle than the product itself.

Fitness products like the spin chin, Shake Weight or Electronic Ab toners are the classic way to sell fitness products to the ignorant man or woman sitting on the couch with a remote control and a credit card.

As I always say, "if you haven't worked out what fitness is about and how to work out properly by the time you are 30, you never will"

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