my killer ab routine by thaddeus

by Thaddeus O'Connell
(Erie, Pennsylvania)

Your average Cable Cross Over machine

Your average Cable Cross Over machine

Want a killer ab routine that really gives ya the burn and shows results in 2-3 weeks?

Try this....

Next time you hit the Gym, locate the multi-use cable cross over setup..this is basically the tall arch, with the two vertical stands that hold an adjustable pulley system, which moves up and down. Lower this to the lowest level possible. Attach a rope handle, with both the loose ends knotted. Set the weight at the lowest possible (you will work your way up until you feel the burn). You may either have someone stand on your feet or place two 45-50 pound dubmbells in front of you to keep your feet on the ground. Lay back, pull the rope handle foward on both sides of your neck, and begin your average crunch/sit up. This way you can adjust exactly how much resistence you want in your crunch.

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