Push Up Workout - Perfecting Push Up Exercise Routines

Why Push Ups can be effective exercises for upper body
Push Ups, the very word can evoke certain emotions - challenge for a newbie or a schoolkid, warm up for a regular trainer or simply too easy an exercise for advanced trainer.
But they are also one of the few bodyweight exercises which can be made challenging for anybody from newbies to advanced {try one arm, one arm one leg, with weights, etc}.
In this article you will find Perfect Push Up Workout Routines to Build Amazing Upper Body Strength. Build strong Arms, Shoulders and Triceps with these Push Up Workouts.
Inside This Workout
-Reasons to Include Push-Ups
-How to Do a Perfect Push Up
-Beginner Push-Up Workout Program to Build Upper Body Strength
-Intermediate Push-Up Workout Program to Build Upper Body Strength
-Advanced Push-Up Workout Program to Build Upper Body Strength
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Bodyweight Exercises Expert Eddie Lomax.
Many people think about strenuous workouts when they think of push-ups. The thing is though; the push-up is something that should be a part of everyone's workout routine.
Whether you want to add it as a supplement to the workout that you already are used to or your want to base an entire workout around it, you will receive many benefits from it.
Reasons to Include Push-Ups
To start with, the push-up is designed to increase your upper body strength. They are a great way to make sure that you are going to stay healthy and fit for as long as possible.
But the push-up is not just good for your muscles, but they are good for your bones as well. Were you aware of that?
Many people are not. Another great reason to add some push-ups to your daily routine is that this is an exercise that will create a lot of lean muscle, which will help to boost your metabolism.
As you progress with your push-up routines, you will notice that it is much easier for you to lift things and you are at a much lower risk of hurting yourself while doing heavy lifting.
This is because your entire upper body has increased muscle mass. Push-ups are also a great way to build up that chest since a lot of workouts tend to neglect the chest.
The last thing you want to do is to have an almost perfect body with an under-developed chest. You might think that it is starting to sound like the push-up is the miracle exercise. You might just be right.
How to Do a Perfect Push Up
You might think that only those in the military are able to do a perfect push up but that is simply not true.
It is extremely important to make sure that you are doing your best to complete a perfect push-up each and every time you give it a try. Less than perfect just is not acceptable.
If you are not able or willing to do a perfect push-up, you might as well not even do it at all.
One important thing to remember is that you are using your arms to lift your body - never you stomach, your butt or the lower half of your body. Also, make sure that you are not allowing your hips to sway as you lift and lower your body.
In order to get the absolute most out of your push-ups, you want to make sure that your chest is never touching the floor.
You want to make sure that your arms are always working hard to support your body at all times. A good trick is to place a rolled sock below you.
Allow your chest to gently touch it but then you have to go right back up. If you find yourself having a hard time realizing whether or not you are getting into the right positions with your push-ups, have someone "spot" you.
Ask a friend who knows what a proper push-up looks like to watch you and to help you correct the areas you are lacking in. This will help you shape up in no time at all.
Beginner Push-Up Workout Program to Build Upper Body Strength
For the basic beginner, you will want to stick to the basic push-up. Forget about the fancy tricks until you are more established with this kind of work out routine.
Using the basic push-up, complete as many as you can do.
This is just to check to see where you stand. If you can only do three, then do three sets or three.
Do this at least three days a week.
After two weeks, try to increase the number of push-ups that you can do in any one workout.
Intermediate Push-Up Workout Program to Build Upper Body Strength
Once you have come to a point where the beginner push-up is a little dull and boring, you will want to advance to more of an intermediate push-up.
The diamond push-up might just be the thing for you. Instead of having your hands at the width of your shoulders, bring them to the center of your chest, with the thumbs and the index fingers touching each other.
This will create a "diamond" shape between your fingers. This will allow more emphasis to be placed on your triceps. Because of this, you will notice that you will not get in as many reps. This is completely normal.
Advanced Push-Up Workout Program to Build Upper Body Strength
After you have excelled through the basic push-up and even the intermediary push-up routine, it is time to move on to the advanced push-ups.
There are many different advanced push-up workout routines out there.
A popular one is to use your fists instead of open hands. Those who want to be a little more adventurous can try to use their fingertips instead.
You can even add a little weight to your back in order to increase the resistance in the workout. Mix up your push-up routines a little in order to keep your body "guessing" or in & "shock". This is the best way to make the most out of your advanced push-up workout routines.
Now that you are all set, you can begin your workout routine with push-ups included in it in order to make the most of your time. Before you know it, you will have much more upper body strength than you could have ever imagined.
ExerciseGoals.com Recommends - Workout Without Weights Ebook
If you want to have the best Body Body you want using Bodyweight Exercises then there is no better expert than Eddie Lomax. He describes excellent Bodyweight Exercises and Workouts in his Wonderful new e-book. Click here to find out more Bodyweight Exercises.

Bodyweight Exercises Expert Eddie Lomax.
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