shape my body

by priya
(india )

Hi !!

I look forward for your help. I was always slim but since last year i started putting up weight and on odd positions like breast and stomach ...nowhere else like my hands, legs , thighs are the same . Could you please send me some suggestions to shape up my body like before .

Priya says,

Hi Priya,

Thanks for contacting

The first places you put on weight are the same ones where they are hard to get rid off from!

In women these areas are hips, buttocks, around waist in that order.

In men its usually around the waist.

What you are asking about is Spot-reduction, reducing specifically your stomach and thighs.

Here is a three step plan for you.

1. Determine your caloric intake and caloric requirement.

2. Use the weight loss exercises section and get started with your personal favorite exercises.

3. Start Weight Training. I have covered a lot more information in the Weight Training for Women section.

Also I would like to recommend Burn the Fat program. To learn more about this weight loss program please visit



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