Shoulder dislocation... suggest Exercises

by Muhammad Haris


My shoulder joint dislocates partially often at random and is dislocated two times at extreme but dont require any type of medical attention i have my MRI of shoulder few weeks ago, but report is fine no any damage is diagnosed.
The purpose of telling the brief history is that tell me some exercises to strengthen my shoulder.
Kindly Reply.

Before you train for with Shoulder Dislocation Exercises, you need to get treatment in a hospital.

Get shoulder dislocation checked, is it anterior or posterior shoulder dislocation?

4 Best Exercises I recommend are

1. Shoulder Flexion and Abduction

2. Pendulum Swings

3. Isometric Shoulder Flexion and Extension as described in the Shoulder Exercises Section.

Flexion and Extension exercises using Resistance Band.

These exercises are explained below

Check the Rotator Cuff Exercises section for more.

DISCLAIMER - The content is for information purposes only. Please visit a certified physician for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

The Best Exercises for Conditioning the Shoulders

The shoulder is a mass of different muscle groups, and though most shoulder exercises will train most of them, it is sometimes necessary to use isolation exercises that are targeted to specific muscle groups in the shoulders.

Before starting exercises, it is usually advised to stretch or perform warm up exercises so as to get the muscles ready for the exercises that are to follow. This is because without adequate warm up it is easy to get injured if you take on a load for which the muscles are unprepared for. On the other hand, if you have been injured in the shoulder region you will also want to gently bring back motion to your shoulder muscles and also help in the healing process of the

The three best exercises that can be used for conditioning the shoulders are Pendulum swings, shoulder flexion and shoulder Abduction exercises.

How to do Pendulum Swings stretch exercise

This is essentially a warm up exercise for the shoulders, and can also be used as a therapy exercise against shoulder pain. This exercise can be performed in different positions.

1. One of the best positions is to stand, letting the shoulders droop naturally

2. Then let the shoulders swing, from bottom to top, making circles and rotating the shoulders in the swing so that at the bottom half the arc is reached and at the top of the swing the other half of the circle is completed.

Some people prefer to do this one arm after another, using the arm that is not being used for support on a solid mass like a chair or table.

How to do Shoulder Flexion Exercise

There are also many ways that this exercise can be done.

1. One of the variations is in sitting straight on a straight backed chair with the holding a weight on the hand that is to be exercised, while using the free hand to maintain poise.

2. Lift the arm with the weight slowly, making sure that in the motion the elbows are kept straight at all times.

3. Lift until the hand is straightened in front of you, with the weight held at a 90° angle to the body.

4. Lower the arm, keeping all parts straight to the starting position.

5. Rest for 1 or 2 seconds before repeating.

How to do Shoulder Abduction Exercise

The shoulder abduction can be performed with a weight or with cable exercise machines. This is the form using free weights.

1. Stand in an erect position, holding weights in both hands, letting the shoulders feel the pull of the weight, and with your palms facing each other (that is facing your body).

2. Raise your arms straight upwards while rotating your palms to be facing upwards.

3. At the top of the motion both palms should be facing upwards and your arms should be in a straight line.

4. Hold at the top and then gradually lower again to starting position and then repeat.


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Oct 10, 2015
One of the worst pains
by: Anonymous

I have once suffered from shoulder dislocation and my pain was un-explainable. However, I have learned through essays in time writing service that there are several exercises. These helped to mildly overcome the pain.

Aug 11, 2011
shoulder dislocation
by: shoulder dislocation

hi m sunny sharma..

I have shoulder dislocation since 3 gives much pain every time..m so
disappointed with my shoulder..i had take the medical treatment but it doesnt
work.i havent do any kind of mri and x ray..plz suggest me some treatment or
exercise. it gives me much pain.


I would suggest you get rehab exercises from a sports physiotherapist.

Or you can have a
look at these exercises for shoulder pain.


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