How to create your Split Weight Training & Bodybuilding System


Is split training right for you?

Lets see the Split Training Secrets And How Beginner and Advanced bodybuilders can use split training routines to create a perfect body.

Split Training Systems is an amazing way to divide you training. Read more how find the perfect split training workout routine for you.

Weight Training not always was done the way it is done now. In the early days Bodybuilders used to work their entire bodies 2-3 times a week.

Many Bodybuilders give conflicting opinions especially to beginners who they say can make significant gains with whole body workouts. Others say that Split Training works best as the intensity and rest is of high quality.

But in my opinion every beginner bodybuilder or muscle enthusiast should do at least 3-6 months of total body training before moving on to split training routines.

Inside this Article

So what is Split Training?

We have already learnt theMajor Muscle Groups. Now lets see how Split Training relates to them.

Split Training is a system of dividing your training in such a way that you train different body parts on specific days.

Many famous splits are 2 day,3 day, 4 and even 5 day splits.

Now that you know what Split Training I would like you to find which is best for you. Before deciding which one to adopt lets analyze the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Full Body Workouts



High Intensity as you will have enough rest between workouts.

Better Muscle recuperation as muscles get more time to heal and repair.

You train your body as a single unit.

Does not sufficiently hit all the major muscle groups.

Dispersed attention and low efficiency workouts.

Precise training to reshape total body is difficult.

Split Routines



Total Muscle Isolation gives more time to hit muscles harder.

Can work to define particular muscle groups.

Inadequate rest and recuperation in between workouts.

What is the Best Weight Training Method for you?

The Best Routine is WHAT WORKS FOR YOU and your BODYTYPE.

Don't be fooled around by what other people think is right. If you are having fitness maintenance goals then whole Body workouts are enough for you. But if you are looking to build Muscle, or lose weight and get fit then I suggest that you split your training.

The best way is to divide your body in to muscle groups and train them on specific days.

2 Day Splits

Here you divide your body in to 2 parts - Upper Body and Lower Body and train them on separate days. This allows the body to fully recuperate between workouts.

Perfect for - Beginners

Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps - Triceps are used in chest and shoulder exercises so train them together.

Day 4 - Legs, Back and Biceps.

Abs can be done on either days.

You can work them any 2 days of the week - Mon/Tue , Tue/Fri or wed/sat.

I suggest that you do them every alternate days.

Mon - Upper body, Wed - Lower Body, Fri - Upper Body and Mon - Lower Body and so on.

You get the picture right.

3 day Splits

This is the famous Push/Pull split routine. This method alternates between pushing and pulling exercises. Its very logical and has worked very very well for many people. If you are busy or have very fast metabolism then I suggest that you go with this routine.

Perfect for - Hard gainer ectomorphs and Bodybuilders returning after long layoffs or breaks.

Day 1 - Chest, Deltoids and Triceps

Day 3 - Back, Biceps and forearms.

Day 5 - Thighs and hamstrings with Calves.

Abs can be trained any 2 routines. Here are a few Push-Pull Split Routines. Pick any one and start today.

You can do this in 2 ways - Mon/Wed/Fri or Tue/Thurs/Sat with complete rest on Sundays.

An advantage is that push-pull workouts are believed to be non-overstressing to the body and when used properly can reduce chances of overtraining. A weeks rest for muscle groups ensures they have rested and recuperated and are ready for next workout.

The disadvantage of the push-pull workout is that as you concentrate on major muscle building exercises like Bench Press, Military Press, squats and deadlifts, the minor muscle groups might not get the required attention of intensity of training. Another disadvantage is that some people find themselves out of energy very soon in their workouts and performing the second major exercise may be daunting. Although it is a individual ask I suggest you concentrate on your pre-workout meals and ensure you eat enough carbs and some protein before hitting the gym ,preferably 30-45 minutes before.

4 day splits

Got more time than 2 day splits but cannot manage 5 days a week? Then 4 day splits are great way to go.

Here all you are dividing chest and shoulders so that you hit them hard separately. After all a good upper body looks much more impressive, on the beach and in the bed

Day 1 -Shoulders, abs

Day 2 - Chest and Triceps

Day 3 - Back and Biceps

Day 4 - Legs and Calves

Work on abs on any 2 non-consecutive days.

As for which days to work, use your imagination.

You can work 2 days on, 2 days off and then 2 days on with rest on Sundays. OR

you can work 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on with rest on Sundays.

5 day Splits

Here you basically train arms - Biceps and Triceps together on 5th day.

Rest is the same as 4 day splits.

6 day splits

So you are a mesomorph training for a competition? Gaining mass has never been tough for you but its beating the other competitor you are after. Then why not emulate the great Arnold Schwarzenegger himself.

Arnold is a great fan of 6 day splits as he says it makes his training easy to manage as he says he easily knows what workout 1,2 and 3 mean to him.

But you got to be very consistent with this schedule as if you miss a day whole rhythm is lost.

Double Split Training Routines

NOT recommended for anyone except professionals who want to compete.

The double split routines are intense and very hard on your muscles. Good nutrition and supplementation is a must. A bodybuilders ability to listen to his body is crucial.

The best example is to train upper body like chest or shoulders or back in the morning and legs later in the evening.

You train legs every alternate day on a 2 day double split and every 2 days on a 3 day double split.

What is the Best Split Routine for you.

Time availability is going to decide which routine to follow But I will give some general guidelines.

For Mesomorphs - A 4 or 5 day routine is best as mesomorphs find it easy to build muscle and strength.

For ectomorphs - A 3 day routine is excellent with plenty of rest for muscles to recuperate.

For endomorphs - A 3 day split works well as cardio is equally important.

Did I bombard you with too many choices. I believe that I have given you all the choices to make a decision for yourself.

Do what is the best for you.

As for me I find the 5 day split is best with rest on weekends. The reserve day makes up for any emergencies. Also daily exercising is easy for me as it becomes a habit.

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