Vegans can build muscle ...vegan bodybuilding tips

by M.Maharaj
(Tirunelveli , Tamilnadu ,India)

I'm a vegan. I don't love to eat non vegetarian food items. But i have a good shape. With the help of good vegetables we can build muscles.. Also we have an eye with our rest periods & workout plans. This two parts also very important. Don't over train. To build muscle we need rest. This is the time we can build muscle. Your goal is to build muscle then you've to follow the correct way to build muscle.

Workout in gym 40% to build muscle.

Rest(Without skip) 30%

Diet(with good meal plan) 30%

Totally 100% to build muscle.


Heavy weights + Low reps = Build muscle.

This is the muscle building formula.

Follow a good schedule to build muscle. You have to work out with heavy weights. But low reps this is very important. But perform correctly. Don't cheat your self with heavy weights. You can able to perform 4 perfectly that's much enough to build.. The move to the next set. Don't perform more than 4 sets. Train each muscle group once per week. if you over train then you'll be weak.


This is very important work. You have to do this after hit the gym. Then only you can escape from the injuries.

Rest :

You must sleep 8 hours per day without skipping.


Diet plan is very important thing. Take more proteins.

Stick with this plan.

Train safely & hardly.

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Jan 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

Train hardly? Right!!

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