Water Aerobic Exercises – Water Aerobics – Exercises & Workouts
Discover theBenefits to Water Aerobic Exercises.Water Aerobics Exercises and Workouts to lose weight, get moreflexible with these Free Examples of WaterAerobics Exercises. Inthis Article you will Discover,
There are severalvarious programs that are designed for beginners all the way up toadvanced exercisers. This type of exercise uses the legs and arms. Itis meant to enhance cardiovascular conditioning. Since there isresistance in water, the person is given greater flexibility andstrength, giving them better balance and muscle endurance. Benefits of Water Aerobics: One of the greatestthings about water aerobics is that it gives the person buoyancy andsupport for the body, lessening the risk of muscles, joints, or bonesbeing injured. Since water supports up to 80% of a body's weight,there is much less pressure on the torso and back, like there is whendoing land exercise. Another benefit towater aerobics is that resistance is increased due to the highdensity of water. This helps the person gain better muscle enduranceand a toned body. In addition, generally, people who exercise in thewater get results faster than ones who exercise on land. In addition,flexibility in the body is vastlyincreased due to the lowered gravitational force in water. Jointshave a much simpler time going through wider ranges of motion, whichmeans it is of great benefit when we get older as well. This isperfect for people that have frequent joint pain, as when they dowater aerobics, they will no longer have to fear pain from jointswhen they exercise. Water aerobics alsoresults in great cardiovascular conditioning. Heart rates is at aslower pace than when exercising on land, which seems to make it workbetter in the water than when on land. Something thatcannot be forgotten is the fact that one stays cool while in thewater, and this can provide a great help to the person exercising,lifting their mood, and allowing them to stay in comfort during theentire workout regimen. Water aerobics isalso a terrific way to burn calories. It is even better at calorieburning than land exercises are. This is an excellent way to losethose extra pounds quick. Water Aerobics Equipments to use: Youneed a bathing suit and a float device of some kind. A flotation beltworks great, but isn't necessary. You just need something to keepyour head above water. Water shoes are also good to have to keep yourfeet safe while in the water.Free examples of Water Aerobics Exercises One sample routineis to warm up by running or walking easily for 10 to 15 minutes, andthen gradually increasing the intensity and speed. Do some stretchesso that your muscles are loosened up, and then finish the warm upwith some short, quick sprints. Next, alternate between cross-countryskiing and running at a moderate to hard pace, and one minute at aslow pace. This should be repeated 5 to 10 times, and this will bedependent on your goals. Another routine youcan do is run or ski:
To cool down, runeasy for 10 minutes, slowly lower the intensity, and then finish itoff with a nice stretch. Some basic Water Aerobics Workouts are: Jumpingjacks: this should be done in water that is as high asyour chest. Your feet should be kept together, and your arms at yourside. You need to jump and spread your arms to shoulder height, andmake sure you land on the ball of your feet. Jump again and go backto your first position. This is one repetition. Sprintingand jogging: the first thing you do is jog to a placewhere the water is as high as your chest. Use your toes to push offso that you land on the ball's of your feet. Using the same armmovement, keep your fingers straight, like when jogging on land tocut the water. Lift your knees high when you jog. After doing this,move your legs and arms as quick as you can, so that your head isheld high, and your core is tight. Some of these stepsmight also be used during water aerobics:
Doing WaterAerobics gives you a total body workout that anyone cando. Water gives you both resistance and assistance, which aids inimproving flexibility and growing strength at the same time. Peopleare coming to discover that water aerobics is a wonderful way to getthe exercise they need, and have fun and less stress on their bodywhile doing so. Go Back to Top of Water Aerobic Exercises Page Go from Water Aerobic Exercises to Weight Training Homepage. Have A Great Story About This Water Exercises?Do you have a great story about Water or Pool Exercise? Share it!