Weight Training Reps by John

by John

I just came up on your site through a google search and I must say that I am impressed with your knowledge. I been taking heed to your training advice for more than 4 weeks now and I am more ripped and strong than ever. I just want to thank you for giving these helpful advice to us all that want to live a better life. Also, I love the 10, 8, 6, 4 way better than my normal sets of 3x12. I feel that kills my muscle and my motivation after.


More tips by Franco Delmonte

How to use Correct Weight Training Repetitions to Build Muscle Mass

One of the common issues that face people that train with weights is that they reach a plateau whereby there are unable to progress further in their training and there are many reasons for this;

The first is that they are not observing sufficient resting periods in order for their bodies to regain structure and form which is necessary to be formed in order to see increases in strength and muscles when they again hit the gym, and secondly that they are not using the correct weights that they should be using in training or performing the number of effective repetitions required for them to improve on their previous performance.

The first instance can be corrected by giving the body sufficient times to rest and for taking a week or two off from regular training schedules so that the muscles can reconstitute their form. In the second instance, progressively increasing the weights used during the training sessions will ensure that the body is working against increasing resistance which will in turn build the

Using correct weight training repetitions is a balance act because it depends on the weight that is being carried.

This is because if you are just training with one weight, increasing the number of repetitions for particular exercises will also help to build muscles. However continuously increasing the number of repetitions will reach a point where you won’t be able to build muscle anymore but instead gain endurance.

Therefore the trick is to know understand at what point you are not building muscles anymore but increasing in endurance. Once you know this point, you can usually overcome this by increasing the weight that you are using. It is essential to know how to use repetitions as these will greatly impact your ability to build muscle mass quickly and effectively.

On the other hand, if you are increasing the weight progressively during each exercise session, it is reasonable that you will be doing fewer repetitions than you were doing with the lighter weight. Here is a sample repetition scheme for building muscle mass;

Warm up exercises: Using light weights that can give you very high repetitions as much as 10 to 15 or more before going to failure.

Muscle Building Exercises: Use weights that give up to about 10 -12 repetitions or less.

Endurance training: Use weights that give more than 12 repetitions in training.

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May 01, 2008
The low reps method is great!
by: Mat


I am constantly told that intensity is the real key to build muscle mass and with the 8,6,4 method Mateen suggested I must say my intensity is soaring.

Kudos to you!

I cannot wait to hit my legs with the low rep method. It gives me a pump like never before not to mention huge thighs. Come on summer, I am waiting to hit the beach.

Aug 21, 2007
great to burst plateaus
by: Russ

Hi John,

Its great method to burst plateaus.

Aug 20, 2007
Its a great rep count to build muscle mass.
by: George

Hi John,

I found low reps to Build Muscle mass very effective.

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